
Refund Policy

Refund Policy

As a service-based company specializing in visa and immigration services, Eritra International understands the importance of clear financial arrangements. Once a client engages our services and enters into a total deal or agreement with Eritra International, it is understood that all fees paid, including file opening charges, visa application fees, documentation fees, and any other associated charges, are strictly non-refundable. As part of this total deal or agreement, it is explicitly stated that the full payment must be made by the client upon successful visa acquisition. This payment is an integral and non-refundable component of the total deal or agreement between Eritra International and the client.

Your Order Cancellation Rights

As our services do not involve physical products, the concept of order cancellation does not apply. Once you have engaged our services and made the necessary payments, they are non-refundable.

Conditions for Returns

As our services do not involve the sale of physical goods, returns do not apply. Once you have engaged our services and made the necessary payments, they are non-refundable.

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